Yes! Active Life Chiropractic is currently in-network with the following major insurance companies for Chiropractic Care in Columbia, MO:
Blue Cross Blue Shield - Coventry - Medicare - Health link - United Healthcare
No, typically a chiropractic adjustment is painless. During our treatments, we utilize several different forms of myofascial release. Typically, this part of treatment is more painful than any other adjustments performed. That being said, everything is done to patient tolerance, and adjustments are not painful for our patients.
When compared to most medical care, chiropractic is very affordable. However, pricing varies drastically depending on your insurance coverage. At Active Life, we are in-network with most major carriers, but what you end up paying depends on your plan.
Your first chiropractic appointment is similar in many ways to a visit with a medical doctor. After your paperwork has been filed and we have copied your insurance, the doctor will take you back. From there we get a comprehensive history of your current issues as well as healthcare goals. Once this is complete, a chiropractic and functional exam is done to fully evaluate the problem. After this, depending on the issue, there is a small amount of treatment performed for some minor relief that day. During the second visit, we go over all the important findings during your exam, what our recommendations are for care, and get started with full treatment and at-home exercises.