
Arthritis is a very wide medical term that covers over 200 different diseases. This is because arthritis has to do with your joints or places where bone connects.

Common Joints that Suffer From Arthritis Include:
• Knees
• Hips
• Wrists
• Fingers
• Elbows
All important areas of your body that you need for daily activity. Arthritis is one of the most commonly diagnosed diseases affecting every 1 in 5 adults in America. While it is less common in youth, it becomes more common as you get older and your joints get worn down from exercise and daily life. Arthritis is one of the largest causes of joint pain in the United States and beyond.

Causes that increase your risk for arthritis are:
• Being Female
• Hereditary Factors
• Overweight
• Excessive Injuries
• Various Infections
• Intensive Work
Arthritis is uncomfortable and even painful for some to live with. While there are solutions that, over time, can assist you with combatting this discomfort, chiropractic care can help offer immediate relief through adjustments.

Chiropractic Care for Arthritis

Chiropractic can mainly assist with the two primary forms of arthritis: Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disorder affecting mostly the flexible joint cartilage while Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disorder in the joints.

Through safe, non-invasive, and natural adjustments your chiropractor can offer you a safe alternative to prescription opioids and over the counter pain medications that are commonly prescribed to patients in an effort to assist them with their arthritis. Adjustments can help to reduce joint inflammation and improve function to both your treated joint and the body’s central nervous system.

Chiropractic Adjustments for Arthritis Patients can:
• Decrease Inflammation
• Reduce Discomfort or Pain
• Increase Flexibility
• Improve Range of Motion

Request a Free Arthritis Consultation

If you are suffering from osteo or rheumatoid arthritis Dr. Sam and Active Life Chiropractic would love to help you get back to a pain-free life!. Contact us today at (573) 999-7805 or fill out our online form for a free consultation!
Don't wait to feel better, get your FREE CONSULTATION NOW


2804 Forum Blvd. Suite 1A, 
Columbia MO, 65203
(573) 999-7805

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• Mon: 8:00a- 12:30p, 2:30p-6:30p
• Tue: Mornings ADMIN (no appts.) 
  and 2:30p-6:30p 
  Spinal Workshops 6:30p-7:00p
• Wed: 8:00a-12:30p and 2:30p-6:30p
• Thur: 8:00a-12:30p and 2:30p-6:30p
• Fri: Closed
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