Joint Pain

Many Americans live every day with constant, undiagnosed joint pain afflicting their every day lives. Most joint pain starts off with a bearable amount of pain and discomfort but as it increases over time without a solution, you can really feel like your whole life is under attack. Those with the most advanced joint pain know that lying down or attempting to relax with the discomfort regularly does not help. Hot and cold compresses can temporarily address the malady, but you’re looking for a more long-term solution.

Chiropractic, alongside self-care and regular exercise, may be the best way to address your joint pain while receiving other main benefits from your chiropractor.

Common Causes For Joint Pain

Many different conditions can lead to painful joints, including, but not limited to:
• Osteo Arthritis
• Rheumatoid Arthritis
• Bursitis
• Gout
• Strains
• Sprains
• Lupus
It’s important to understand the cause of your joint pain so that your doctor can best understand the best treatment methods for you and your specific problems.

Chiropractic Care for Joint Pain

Depending on the affected joint, your chiropractor may choose to address your joint pain in several different ways. Typically, your doctor will focus on the realignment of your spine to help you with your overall health including the improvement of allergies, migraine, and insomnia. More specified adjustments may be made as you spend more time with your doctor and he discovers the root cause of your illnesses.

Your chiropractor can also help you lay out a balanced exercise plan that compliments your treatments. These catered exercises alongside regularly chiropractic care can help to improve your long-term discomfort with joint pain.

Schedule your Free Joint Pain Consultation

Dr. Sam and Active Life Chiropractic have serviced Columbia and the Mid-Missouri area for years. Contact us today at (573) 999-7805 or fill out our online form for a free consultation!
Don't wait to feel better, get your FREE CONSULTATION NOW


2804 Forum Blvd. Suite 1A, 
Columbia MO, 65203
(573) 999-7805

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• Mon: 8:00a- 12:30p, 2:30p-6:30p
• Tue: Mornings ADMIN (no appts.) 
  and 2:30p-6:30p 
  Spinal Workshops 6:30p-7:00p
• Wed: 8:00a-12:30p and 2:30p-6:30p
• Thur: 8:00a-12:30p and 2:30p-6:30p
• Fri: Closed
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